The European Network of Maritime Clusters (ENMC) is a non-profit organization established on January 1st, 2023, in Luxembourg, after years of collaboration between the maritime Clusters part of the network. The network emerged in 2005 as a platform for exchanging information and networking between the maritime Cluster organizations of European member states.

Since its foundation, the ENMC’s main principle has been establishing an efficient framework for maritime sectorial cooperation, focused on vocalizing the unambiguous maritime interest to European policymakers towards a European maritime level playing field: a single European Maritime Cluster.

Missions and main activities:

  • Sharing information and best practices among its members;
  • Promoting and defending the interests of its members principally active in the maritime sector;
  • Promoting networking among its members;
  • Representing the interests of its members vis-à-vis third parties;
  • Informing EU decisions makers about the strengths and opportunities of the maritime clusters;
  • Organizing and participating in meetings and events to reach our objectives;
  • Sharing policy documents and funding opportunities;
  • Organizing maritime stakeholders’ meetings in Brussels (Belgique).

The ENMC counts 11 national Cluster members. They represent Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and Ukraine. The association is self-sufficient and counts on its members’ membership fees, which are national or regional maritime clusters (or similar entities) that can represent a country’s maritime interests.

Day-to-Day Management:

The ENMC management team comprises Fabrice Maire (Chairman) and Axelle Salvage (Coordinator). The ENMC has a Presidium consisting of four Vice-Chairmen: Nathalie Mercier-Perrin (Cluster Maritime Français), Biagio Mazzotta (Federazione del Mare), Javier Garat Pérez (Cluster Maritimo Español), and Ruben Eiras (Fórum Oceano).


Fabrice Maire, Chairman

Nathalie Mercier-Perrin, Vice-Chairman

Javier Garat Pérez, Vice-Chairman

Biagio Mazzotta, Vice-Chairman